Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Week 6 Readings

In the chapter Academic Arguments I liked reading the example of an "Abstract". I read various texts at times an tend to get so confused when there is too much language not written for the common reader. Not only is this frustrating but I lose interest in the topic. Although backing up arguments with facts and various data points are great, it is a good reminder to not be too scientific in presentation when it is not necessary.  I also liked the section on developing an academic argument. Sometimes the process can seem so daunting but when broken down in sub sections I feel way more confident to tackle a challenge of an academic paper/argument.

Understanding Rhetoric made a great point in reminding a writer to not forget the importance of knowing your audience and speaking to them in a conversational manner. I find Understanding Rhetoric an enjoyable read because it is written casual and with a conversation feel. This makes me not feel so distant from the text. I am more engaged and gain a personal connection. I try to write similarly myself. When writing I also try and take a balanced approach.. validating all sides of an argument while presenting my point of view in a non offensive way. "Who, what, where, how and why" were points I was taught to always address..with these in mind I think a writer has the best potential for a solid argument.

I used to be impatient with the writing process, more specifically the draft process. About a year ago my friend was able to articulate to me the benefit of the first draft. Much like Shitty First Drafts, I had to embrace the idea that a first draft was just that.. a DRAFT! Once I decided to not judge my works and solely focus on just getting content on paper my writing improved. The first draft is a starting point for all ideas that may or may not have relevance to the end goal of what is being written. However, by writing without judgement and leaning on a friend or two to help edit, a first draft can be a great entry way and foundation to a masterpiece.

I think So What?Who Cares? piggy backs  the points made in Academic Arguments and Understanding Rhetoric. We are reminded to be aware of what points we are trying to address to the audience and presented with sentence structures helpful in that goal. While writing, it is a great practice to stop and evaluate what questions are being answered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan!

    I totally get you about being impatient when it comes to writing and ESPECIALLY the drafts part! I feel the same way and it sometimes just feel like wasting my time by writing it all over again. So I think for both of us this was a great article to realize that it is really important to create those drafts. And for sure, never even doubt to lean on a friend to help you and it will be interesting to see what a great thing will come out of taking all those steps towards creating drafts. Good luck :)
