Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 7

Note to self- Saving a post is not the same as Sending a post. So annoying finding this in my draft box still!

Everythings an Argument Chapter 20
While we often like to use information obtained from other's sources to enhance our writing... it is great to be aware of how plagiarism can be assumed or misconstrued.  When I write shortly after reading a related assignment, I will take notice to how similar my writing is compared to the author who may have sparked the idea(s) I am sharing.  There is nothing wrong with borrowing ideas and using them to enhance my writing...but I do not want to misrepresent myself or plagiarize. Whether it be MLA , APA or any other citing format.. it is crucial to give credit where credit is due. Citing is something I don't have a ton of experience with.. so I play it safe and cite more often than not.  Pages 438 and 439 were great because I was able to see specifics as to when to cite and when not to.

I also liked our second reading because it reminded me to be careful and to further take into consideration my audience. When using quotes, I didn't realize how often they are inserted often times "Out of the blue". I am a pretty forgiving reader.. but it can be distracting when I am not clear on the exact reason for the quote, or the source. When writing I proof read, I often realize I write with full knowledge or my own clear perspective, however, the reader does not always follow in suit. It will be beneficial for me to make sure I make it clear to the reader why I am using the quotes I choose.

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