Monday, July 20, 2015

Week 2 Reading Blog

Social media, one of my least desired aspects of current culture. Although I understand the benefit and convenience of the Facebook's, Twitter's, Instagram's in todays market, I really have a hard time embracing them. On average, I receive no less than 30 emails a day. Not all need to be responded too right away, but I am still being inundated when I don’t want. Its not that these sites are inherently bad, but I tend to feel an absence of authenticity through such outlets. None the less, this is the modern moment and I am better embracing them than fight the flow.

            I did; however, pick-up on a few tips I think will be helpful for me. Receiving so many emails a day and sharing information back and forth I often get lost in email land. Conversations are often like books, they have chapters. Long email exchanges are similar. By changing the subject line in an email I will be able to better reference information I am wanting from a particular point. 

            I appreciated the section giving tips for business blogging. Some of the tips seem obvious and simple. Though they very well might be, the small things we do in life often go over looked. One reason I do not enjoy blogging is the frequency it needs to be. After reading this chapter I have a better understanding of why it’s necessary to keep regular frequency. People are quick to lose attention and focus, so it’s good to bring new and relevant content as often as possible. "Pruning your sources" is another tool I will remember. It is true, some websites or blogs etc. are no longer relevant to me. Making time to clean up what is essential versus what is non-essential is key.

Sometimes “Asking for the order” is forgotten when we are writing request. I know I have forgotten that component before. Requesting a specific action at the end of an email is an awesome reminder of the call to action!

This weeks reading of Understand Rhetoric did a good job of illustrating the value of knowing what personality to present with different forms of communication. The examples are silly but make the content easy to digest and light hearted. Two thumbs up.


  1. "This weeks reading of Understand Rhetoric did a good job of illustrating the value of knowing what personality to present with different forms of communication. The examples are silly but make the content easy to digest and light hearted."

    I agree that the ways the comics convey messages are in a way silly, but just like you say, the fact that they are over the top and exaggerated makes it easy and fun to get to the point. It kind of works.

    The social media thing is something I'm also not completely in the loop of. However, I have created "important" "not important" and "ads and stuff" type of folders for my emails not to get too overwhelmed by it all. On Facebook, I have liked so many newspapers, people, and pages that I'm interested in that it works more like a newsfeed for me than anything else which I really like.

  2. I think you make some really good points. I also appreciated the tips that were given. Even if the tips sometimes seem obvious and simple we still forget about them. It can also be the small things that are the important ones.

    The subject line for email is something that I really need to work on. I can see how it’s helpful to you that are receiving that many emails everyday. Both the be effective and keep track of them.

    Even if the Understand Rhetoric can be silly I really enjoy it. It makes it funny and easy to understand.

  3. Jordan,

    You’ve got an interesting bio. You seem to be a super well-rounded dude, and a man who has come to understand who he is in the world. That’s excellent.

    I hear you on your frustration with social and digital media—it never ends and the lack of filter makes it mind-numbing sometimes. However, it’s here to stay, so we’ve got to remember to approach it with the most savvy minds possible. After all, a clear mind is better able to articulate clear(er) thoughts more effectively.

    Nice work so far. Please keep it up. Also, don’t forget to post your professional email request draft too when you can.


  4. Hi Jordan,

    I would say, social media is a blessing and a curse, we can't live with it or without it. It's great to read that you were able to pick something up out of this and are able to implement that now. Like you also say people do tend to lose focus and attention quickly, so I feel like it is great to get a good knowledge about all the different ways of things we can do to make sure people won't lose that and considering our great technology these days it all gets a lot easier.
