Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 4 readings

I like pages 114-119 of Everything's an Argument. I often find starting a writing piece to be one of the more challenging aspects of writing in any capacity. Within the above-mentioned pages there are great suggestions to think about prior to writing. I especially liked the sections on "The claim" and "Evidence of the claim". I have a habit of announcing evidence of a claim as opposed to sharing specifics to support such claims. I also tend to be a bit esoteric in my writing, which can be challenging for a reader if I am not clear and pointed or at bare minimum presenting supporting statements. Reading page 396 was great because it presented multiple thoughts for me to be aware of next time I am finding myself stuck or not sure why I am not clear. 

I also am often confused by the marketing/advertisements I notice. I rarely see a direct correlation of ad to product. Of course the professionals of marketing know what they are doing but I seem to not "Get it" many of the times. Though Bob Dylan does not automatically seem the best fit for Victoria's Secret, I think he is great. Just like his music, women and their relationship to their body and undergarments are not always clear and meant for just anyone to be aware of or understand for that matter. There is poetry to Bob Dylan, a navigation of emotions, a visual experience within his lyrics. The mystery of what a woman wears is in itself a visual experience. The perversion of my imagination in combination with the beauty of "The female" is poetic though not always graceful... Bob Dylan sings in a tone that is not always graceful but nonetheless magical.

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